A tool to calculate PCT official fees

May 23, 2024 | 2 minutes to read
Written by
Scott Pollok

Simplifying cost-estimating & decision making for PCT applications

The official fees for filing a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) international patent application can be a significant amount of the total cost of pursuing a PCT application.

The number of factors that go into the fee calculation can make it hard to easily estimate, with accounting for excess page fees, search fees from different search authorities, entity-size reductions where available, and foreign currency conversions.

Our tool

We couldn’t find a solution that worked the way we wanted, so we’ve built a tool of our own:

PCT Official Fee Calculator

At the link above with several simple inputs you can obtain clear totals, along with breakdowns and currency conversions, for your desired PCT filing scenario.

We find the tool particularly useful for obtaining quick comparisons of the fees for different ways that a PCT application may be filed.

Need something more?

If you want advice on how it may be most advantageous to file your PCT application for your situation, please get in touch with our team.

Otherwise, if you have any queries about the calculator, including user feedback or feature requests, please feel free to contact us.

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